Tuesday 29 September 2015

Understanding partitioning

Careful partitioning in action

We use lots of different special words in maths and 'partitioning' is one we have been thinking about in the first part of the autumn term. It means 'splitting numbers into smaller factors or into place values'. 
In class we have been working on addition and subtraction problems using the place value grids with the practical equipment. This has helped us to split numbers up carefully along with developing our understanding of two and three digit numbers.

Sharing our resources is always a good idea

And the answer is, 10, 20, 30, 40, 43

Practical Maths

Great team work

Using practical resources in maths helps us in so many ways. We can see and feel what a number looks like along with writing our understanding down. We have been thinking about the different maths facts we can use to get to certain figures and here are a couple of examples of our thinking.
The number rods are not only really colourful they also fit perfectly in the number track so we can check our thinking. 

Five different multiplications to make 20

Who said you only do maths at school!

The new Ganges class have started the year brilliantly by thinking of all the different ways they have used their maths skills over the summer break. Just look at all of the interesting things they have been doing which involved them using their maths brains. From using shells for beach multiplication, to carefully measuring the ingredients for a cake to the length of time the pirate boat took to return to the port - the new Ganges class have been using maths throughout the summer. Great preparation for the new school year.