Wednesday 18 November 2015

Rounding Rounding - Read all about it!

Another busy morning of maths

In Ganges class we know that maths isn't just something we do in school, it is all around us in our everyday lives. So what better way to think about rounding numbers than to spend some time browsing through the newspaper in a maths lesson! Some of us used' First News' , the child friendly newspaper, to find headlines and articles with numbers in them. We then used those numbers to make a poster where we rounded those very numbers to the nearest 100. 

Here's the rounding part
 Other members of the class needed to work on two digit addition problems before they then rounded the answer to the nearest ten. The main thing is to remember that for 1,2,3 and 4 you round down and for 5,6,7,8 and 9 you round up. 

Calculating before rounding
 As you can see we use lots of resources in maths which is fun. You would be amazed at how quickly we can get everything tidied up when it is time to go out to the playground!

Time for Fishy to tidy up!

Monday 9 November 2015

Triangular symmetry

We know that triangles have three sides and that their angles always add up to 180 degrees but how many lines of symmetry do they have? That is exactly what we have been figuring out. To make things more challenging we have been examining four different types of triangles. Can you name the ones we have made?

L to R - right angled triangle, scalene, isosceles with an equilateral triangle in the middle

Symmetrical Patterns

The final piece is in place

An object is symmetrical when one half is a mirror image of the other half and using our Numicon resources has been ideal to show exactly that. With the ten by ten baseboards we have worked in pairs to create some amazing symmetrical patterns. Very colourful along with being perfectly symmetrical.

Perfect partner work
Some important maths vocabulary we have used this week are the terms:- vertical, horizontal and diagonal. The easy way to remember horizontal is to think about the horizon when you are at the seaside and looking out to sea. Diagonal is famous as it is mentioned in the Harry Potter films!

Diagonal symmetry is even trickier