Tuesday 19 January 2016

Maths - Whatever the weather!

It might be January and rather chilly but that doesn't stop the children in Ganges putting their coats on and getting out in the grounds for some outdoor maths. 
We are thinking about positive and negative numbers here as we see how long a positive and negative numberline we can make across the playground. You can see we used metre sticks so that the numbers were all equally spaced out and once we had done that we investigated the differences between some positive and negative numbers.

Being negative in maths

Some of the class worked inside and they used Numicon tiles to create a positive and negative numberline. It was a clever idea of the group to show the negative side of the line by placing the tiles under the 'line' and the positive numbers above. It shows the difference between the two types of numbers really well.

Clearly showing negative numbers.

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