Tuesday 9 February 2016

STEM Week Maths Measuring

As everyone in Ganges class now knows, STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Maths - STEM. In the first week of February we have had a whole school Science/STEM week and this gave us the perfect opportunity to use maths in science experiments. 
After hearing a story which posed the question of which type of ball would bounce the highest the children set about designing a 'fair test' to see if they could answer that very question. 
The experiment in action

The children used a metre ruler to ensure that they dropped the ball from the same height and also had a clear point of reference for the bounce measurement.

Watching carefully to get an accurate measurement

Everyone had a role and here you can see the experimenter, the observer and the data recorder testing a tennis ball. The groups worked on either a wooden floor, carpet or an outside surface so they could see if the type of surface had an impact on the results of how high the balls bounced. 

The results made for interesting reading which generated a great deal of mathematical discussion.

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